Paul Kurrey is a prolific songwriter solo artist who has been playing and writing for a number of years. He was bass player the band Smoothdog. Jamison Smoothdog was the unaccredited writer of the hit classic Can’t You See by Marshall Tucker band. Paul most recently has had solo shows in Toronto New York, Philadelphia, Savannah, and New Jersey to name a few spots. He is in the movie documentary MEET ME ON SOUTH STREET the j.C. Dobbs story which is also in the library of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. His music has been called street hearted and beautiful. Lyrics take you to places from romance, break ups, street life, and a cast of characters that will certainly be as interesting as entertaining. There is nobody out there that can do a song about a hopeless drug addiction, the craziness of a romance gone bad as well as up beat tunes of love. He should not be missed. The lyrics Paul writes have been called “street hearted, the music beautiful, and edgy heartfelt tell it like it is songs. The lyric ability of young Dylan,stage presence of Bruce, the wit of Lennon…” — Ken Cowle Radio Host Toronto
Paul recently did a 1 time duet show with Eric Bazilian writer of Joan Osbourn’s One of Us and the founder of The Hooters.
Check out Paul’s Facebook page.

Along with Paul, will be his friend and fellow musician, Frank Porter. Check out Frank’s music at https://www.reverbnation.com/frankporteracoustic. Also check out his Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/FrankPorterRocks.

Along with Paul, will be his friend and fellow musician, Joe De Feo. Also check out his Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/joe.defeo.5.

Along with Paul, will be his friend and fellow musician, Lance Fingles. Also check out his Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/lance.fingles.